

Page history last edited by Dr. Mary K. Bryson 16 years, 10 months ago



(borrowed thumbnail for "Logic by Machine" - go watch this fascinating 1965 documentary about "Computers and the Mind of Man".


This graduate seminar features transdisciplinary scholarship that is concerned with research questions that intersect around theories of knowing considered in relation to the production of a public, public space, citizenship in a public, media, difference/s and public knowing, life in a posthuman public, and what it is to know, publicly. Questions concerning publics, and public knowledge, get to the heart of what it is to think about Education – who can know, and what is our understanding of human life, that knowing might matter.


CCFI 502 Course Calendar




Required Reading -- accessible from the online







Background Reading -- a foundational text, which you may not have read already






You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader

to read .pdf files. Some of the articles show up sideways. To read on-screen, in Adobe Reader, select, View > Rotate, Clockwise.

January 10

"Mind the Gap"

Making Knowledge :: Public :: Knowledge

Course Overview

“We need different ideas

                     because we need different relationships.”
                                                               — Raymond Williams

Introductions - course, participants

Watch: A Vision of Students Today, Michael Wesch and

Epic, Robin Sloan's & Matt Thompson's flash documentary on global media

Cause, Ze Frank

Browse: Discussion of Epic
Margaret Wente, We are all witnesses nowMWenteSousveillance.pdf

January 17 - MEET in 1006

Publics, Counterpublics...

Guest Speaker & Workshop: Brian Lamb, (Brian Lamb is a project coordinator with the Office of Learning Technology at The University of British Columbia, where he grooves on tools that are fast, cheap, and out of control) Learning objects and Wiki-world-making 


Brian's Presentation WIKI

Fraser, Nancy. (1992). Rethinking the public sphere. In C. Calhoun (Ed)., Habermas and the public sphere. Cambridge University Press.FraserinCalhoun.pdf


Warner, M. (2002). Publics and counterpublics. Quarterly Journal of Speech.warnerPubCounterP.pdf


Facilitation slides (Dai) ccfi502_facilitation.ppt or an online version

(Lamb, B. (2004). Wiki - Wide open spaces: Wikis, ready or not. Educause. 39(5).)


(Lamb, B. (2007)

Dr. Mashup; or, Why Educators Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Remix. Educause. 42 (4).)


January 24



The class powerpoint on Theory 101Theory101.pdf


The class powerpoint on Foster and HayleshaylesFoster.pdf

Conditions of Virtuality: Posthuman Narratives, Code, Subjectivities


CCFI Noted Scholar Lecture by Tom Foster, Tuesday Jan. 22, noon-2pm, Scarfe 310

Hayles, N. Katherine. (1999). Virtual bodies and flickering signifiers. In N. Katherine Hayles, How we became posthuman.HaylesPHVirtualBod.pdf

Foster, T. (2005). The legacies of cyberpunk fiction: New cultural formations and the emergence of the posthuman. In Thomas Foster (2005). The souls of cyberfolk: Posthumanism as vernacular theory.TomFoster.pdf


Haraway, D. (1991). The cyborg manifesto. Excerpt from Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature.Haraway_CyborgManifesto.pdf

Reviews of Tom Foster's work (good summary of major arguments)

Watch a Public Lecture by Katherine Hayles at the Pacific Center for Technology and Culture


Linda's Katherine Hayles wiki

January 31

Public Knowledge: "Open Source, Open Access, Open Science"


The class powerpoint on Willinsky and LatourLatourModernism.pdf

Willinsky, John. (2002). Democracy and Education: The missing link may be ours. Harvard Educational Review, 72(3).WillinskyHER.pdf


Latour, Bruno. From Realpolitik to Dingpolitik or How to Make Things Public. In B. Latour (Ed). Making things public: Atmospheres of democracy. LatourIntro.pdf


Blog report on John Willinsky's Public Knowledge Project

Interview by media guru John Udell, with John Willinsky


John Willinsky, in Brazil, talking about The Access Principle


Latour Lecture at Berkeley on From Objects to Things1 From Object to Things.mp3

Due: Project Proposal (What are you going to do, how, and why is it worth doing? 3 pages)

February 7


Meet 4:30 in 2006 Mac Lab

Borders, difference/s and subjectification



CCFI Noted Scholar Lecture by Devon Pena, Tuesday Feb. 5, noon-2pm, Scarfe 310

Pena, Devon. (2003). The scope of Latino/a environmental studies. Latino Studies.PenaLatinoStudies.pdf

Fine, M., & Sirin, S. (2007). Theorizing Hyphenated Selves: Researching Youth Development in and across Contentious
Political Contexts. Social and Personality Psychology.


February 14

Virtuality and the Design(s) of Pedagogic, Mediated Space/s

Ellsworth, Elizabeth. (2005). Media, architecture, and the moving subject of pedagogy. Excerpt from Places of learning: Media, architecture, pedagogy. EllsworthChpt6.pdf

The New London Group. (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. Harvard Educational Review. PedagogyMultiliteracies.pdf

February 21

No Class Today, Reading Week

February 28


Meet in the Mac lab, 2006


Methodologies for Post-al Knowings



Cole, Peter. (2002). Aboriginalizing methodology: Considering the canoe. Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.Cole-AboriginalizingMethodology.pdf


Lather, Patti. (2001). Postbook: Working the ruins of feminist ethnography. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society.PLatherPostbook.pdf




Opportunities in Aboriginal Research
Results of SSHRC’s Dialogue on Research and Aboriginal Peoplesaboriginal_backgrounder_e.pdf

March 6


Knowledge, Aesthetics, Politics



CCFI Noted Scholar Lecture by  Jacques Rancière, Friday Mar. 7, noon-2pm, Scarfe 100


Gordon's Rancière ppt presentationThe ignorant schoolmaster.ppt

 Rancière, Jacques. Thinking between disciplines: An aesthetics of knowledge. Parrhesia. aestheticsknowledge.pdf


 Rancière, Jacques. The Ignorant Schoolmaster. excerptRanciereISM.pdf


Jacques Rancière

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Western Philosophy
20th / 21st-century philosophy




March 13

Bodies, Interventions, Media<t>ations

CCFI Noted Scholar Lecture by Helen Leung, Thursday Mar. 13, noon-2pm, Scarfe 310


 Paulina's .ppt on Sandoval Sandoval.ppt

Sandoval, Chela. (2000). Revolutionary force: Connecting desire to reality. Excerpt from: Methodology of the Oppressed, pp. 160-183.SandovalRev.pdf



Leung, H. (2007). Archiving queer feelings in Hong Kong. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. archivingqueerfeelings.pdf


Bryson, Mary, MacIntosh, L., Jordan, S., & Lin, H.L. (2006). Virtually queer?: Homing devices, mobility, and un/belongings. Canadian Journal of Communication.CJC2006.pdf


Haraway, D. (1992). The Human in a
Post-Humanist Landscape. In J. Butler & J. Scott (Eds.), Feminists Theorize the Political. Donna Haraway - Ecco Homo.pdf


Haraway, D. (1991). The cyborg manifesto. Excerpt from Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature.Haraway_CyborgManifesto.pdf

Watch in class: WebCam Girls, Aerlyn Weissman, Director (2005)

March 20

Globalization, Media, Space and Place


Appadurai, Arjun. (1996). Disjuncture and difference in the global economy. Excerpt from Appadurai, A. Modernity at Large. University of Minnesota Press.DisjDiffAppad.pdf


Kurasawa, Fuyuki. (2004).
A Cosmopolitanism from Below: Alternative Globalization and the Creation
of a Solidarity without Bounds. Archives of European Sociology. CosmopolitanismBelow.pdf


Chow, Rey. (1992). Postmodern automatons. In J. Butler & J. Scott (Eds.), Feminists Theorize the Political. ReyChowAutomaton.pdf


Massey, Doreen. (1992). Politics and space. New Left Review, 196, 65-84. MasseySpace.pdf


March 27

Serious Play 

Valentine, G., & Holloway, W. (2002). Cyberkids? Exploring Children’s Identities and Social Networks in On-line and Off-line Worlds. Annals of the Association of American Geographers.cyberkids.pdf


de Castell, Suzanne & Jenson, S. (2003). Serious play. Journal of Curriculum Studies. deCastell.pdf


Luke, Carmen. (1996). Ekstasis@cyberia. Discourse Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education.CLukeEkstasis.pdf

April 3 and 10

Presentation of Projects


Presentation Schedule.doc

Ayahuasca presentation.pptAyahuasca presentation.ppt 





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