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last edited
by Dr. Mary K. Bryson 16 years, 11 months ago
The final project can be EITHER a collaborative or solo endeavor which deals with material relevant to this course in-depth, and represents a thoughtful treatment of a question/problematic. Your project can be constructed as either (a) a reflective paper (~15 pages), or (b) the production of a digital video, podcast, web site, multi-media artifact, OR other non-essayist, non-text-based, assemblage.
Due January 31: Project Proposal (What are you going to do: What is the question you are going to engage, how, and why is it worth the effort? 3 pages);
Due April 3rd.: Presentation version of your project....about 15 minutes worth;
Due April 10th: Final version of project.
Papers should be submitted as a paper (hard copy), Websites as an online URL, and/or other project media should be submitted on a CD-ROM, or DVD.
the Grid: PostCards@CyberSpace
Jacques Derrida The Post Card University of Chicago Press, 1987
What does a post card want to say to you? On what conditions is it possible? Its destination traverses you, you no longer know who you are. At the very instant when from its address it interpellates, you, uniquely you, instead of reaching you it divides you or sets you aside, occasionally overlooks you. And you love and you do not love, it makes of you what you wish, it takes you, it leaves you, it gives you.
Throughout this course, students will be asked to contribute to a wiki on which to post reflections, read entries by other students, post links, experiment. The wiki can also be used to communicate with the class about any appropriate topic; e.g., an interesting WWW site, an upcoming lecture, scholarship information, etc. The wiki is an experimental hypertext, and we will use it like that, discovering what it is good for, what constraints it imposes, as we go.
CCFI 502 WIKI: http://knowledgepublic.pbwiki.com/
The Grid
Our working space for this course is the whole wiki. However, for your assignment, this course specifically requires you to participate actively in The Grid. On the Grid, you find a space characterized by arbitrary closure - 9 spaces - which you can organize and label as you see fit. The purpose of the Grid is to organize knowledge in a public space, that is like a library. Except for the fact that our library only has 9 drawers for its index cards. The Grid is limited on its main page so as to allow us to participate actively and reflectively in shaping public access to knowledge under conditions of closure -- the kinds of limitations that invariably characterize spaces of public knowledge, much as explicated by the diverse theorists we are studying in this course.
When you go to the Grid, ask yourself what is missing from the main page. Does it enhance access to knowledge pertinent to this course? Do the labels need some kind of sub-headings, to be useful? What labels do we need, for those 9 spaces, so that all the relevant knowledge that we find as we surf might be lodged here?
When you are reading the articles, you will find terms and phrases that are unfamiliar. Look them up, and share your findings on the Grid. And do the same for the authors whose work you are unfamiliar with. And do the same with authors you are really familiar with, and whose work you already have in article/electronic form.
Share YouTube videos and any other media that pertain to what we are reading about.
Tech Tapas |
Learning how to use new information tools is a labor-intensive activity. Expect to struggle, become frustrated, and feel overwhelmed by new media. The key idea is to have a collaborative experience of the limits and possibilities in an actual e-space.
Go to the Tech Tapas Wish List page, and tell your peers what YOU would like to learn, by way of a new media skill (e.g., uploading a video to YouTube, starting a blog...). Pick your Tech Tapas focus after consulting the list. You might as well teach something that your peers want to learn. And if you can't do anything on the list, improvize.
You can do your brief Tech Tapas stint in our classroom, where there is a projector, and you can arrange to borrow laptops from CMS. Or, you can use the lab. The Mac lab we have access to each week is 1006 - learn what is available on these machines here. Each student will make one brief and informal presentation (about 5 minutes) where you teach the group how to do something that you think is worth knowing how to do - whatever you can teach us in ten minutes, including practice - that focuses on a very specific skill using digital tools. Areas that you may teach (not an exclusive list) include: using digital video (e.g., importing an image in iMovie); peer-to-peer filesharing; blogging; RSS; manipulating images (fireworks, photoshop); creating and using sound (mp3, podcasting); search engines beyond google, chat worlds, gaming, etc.
In-Class Discussion Facilitation and Participation
Regular attendance and effortful participation by students is necessary to effectively meet course objectives. CCFI Noted Scholar lectures are linked to the course content, and participation in these lectures will be considered in the assessment of course participation. The lectures have been organized at a time when there are no other classes that would compete for time. If you can not attend the lectures because of a prior work commitment, please inform the instructor.
Each week, one (or more) student/s will be responsible for leading a discussion on a central question/construct that is: (a) of interest to the student, and (b) pertains to that week's topic.
- When there are two facilitators, they need to split up the assigned readings and decide how to coordinate the facilitation.
S/he will generate a brief summary of the leading question, and a critical/reflexive analysis of the relationship of the question/construct to the major themes in one or more of that week's readings.
Each facilitator will discuss the significance of the question in relation to the conceptual framework used by the authors of one or more readings, and generate a critical analysis of both theoretical and conceptual strengths and shortcomings.
Each facilitator should prepare about 15 minutes of material. Most presenters benefit from preparing -- notes, whatever works for you.
The facilitator/s will then animate an open discussion.
If you cannot attend class on the day for your facilitation, please remember that it is your responsibility to switch with a colleague and to inform the instructor.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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